leader picture

Seemant Sehgal

Founder & CEO leader picture

Seemant Sehgal founded BreachLock with two things: 18+ years of experience in the cybersecurity industry and a dream to create a solution that would make cyberspace safer. As the former Head of Cybersecurity at ING Bank who held a multi-million-dollar cybersecurity budget, he dealt with the pain of traditional pentesting approaches falling short of what modern businesses today need for a strong security posture. A go-getter by nature, Seemant was motivated to solve these pain-points for people walking the same shoes, and he went on to create the world’s first, full-stack Penetration Testing solution with a strong company culture that has helped BreachLock gain momentum and scale rapidly.

Industry recognitions we have earned

reuters logo cybersecurity_awards_2024 logo winner logo csba logo hot150 logo bloomberg logo top-infosec logo

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